IZRAFEL RUBY ROVENA I so much as got the slightest hint that Ruby might be for sale, and I pounced on the opportunity to own such a high quality specimen of a dobermann. And she is in every single way. Pierluigi Pezzano wrote that " the breed starts at the head", and Ruby's, please pardon the pun, is hard to parallel! Just get out your rulers, a more parallel head with such defined stop is seldom seen. You may also get your stopwatches out, for she is "rapid and full of temperament", and "built to develop speed", notwithstanding her dark eyes reflect the night and clear markings the blazing sun, her silhouette is unmistakable.... For me she is one of the most important dobermanns today, and that's because, like a thoroughbred, she is a dobermann through and through, a true representation of our breed.
dob: 08/04/2013