MARATHON WEEK @The IDC World Championships & HDK Derby!

Budapest 2019

by MICHEL / Monday, 23 September 2019 / Published in News

We achieved an epic high of 10 x Finals & 2 x Baby Semifinals and ALL 10 dogs we entered achieved the highest accolades for their age, i.e., Excellent (adult dogs) Very Promising (Babies)!

Judges: H. WIblishauser (D); Thomas Becht (D); N. Daube (D); Attilio Polifrone (IT); T. Dohoczki (H)

🏆 Infinity Amoris AARON; 3rd Place Working Brown Males
🏆 Infinity Amoris CALINA; 3rd Place Intermediate Brown Females
🏆 Infinity Amoris CALEB; 3rd Place Intermediate Brown Males
🏆 Infinity Amoris CASSIUS; 3rd Place Intermediate Black Males
• Infinity Amoris ZOROASTER; 5th Place Baby Brown Males (just 4 months, and just pulled like a steam train but very soon now he will stand like his amazing mama 😍)
• Infinity Amoris DIESEL; 6th Place Baby Black Males (25 dogs in his class, he’ll be back!!)

HDK DERBY 6 Sept 2019
Judges: Erika Szokol (H); Rada István (H); A. Korozs (H)

🏆 Izrafel ZARY ZARATHUSTA; Working Brown Females CLASS WINNER!
🏆 Infinity Amoris BENZALINA; Intermediate Black Females CLASS WINNER!
🏆 Infinity Amoris CALINA; Intermediate Brown Females CLASS WINNER!
🏆 Infinity Amoris CALEB; Intermediate Brown Males CLASS WINNER!
🏆 Infinity Amoris AARON; Working Brown Males Vice CLASS WINNER!
🏆 Infinity Amoris CASSIUS; Intermediate Black Males Vice CLASS WINNER!!

Thank you to Hungarian Dobermann Club & President Tamás Dohóczki for hosting this wonderful event with such a high turnout, as well as all the judges, organisers and participants who support this magnificent breed.
Special thanks to I.A SQUAD home & away, together we keep this dream alive: Infinity Amoris ♾♥️